Young Birders Club


Young Birders Club poster


We believe creating an ​Audubon Young Birder Club would benefit local youth while fulfilling Denver Audubon’s mission to advocate for the environment and connect people to nature through education, conservation, and research. We will develop young people’s minds to further understand birds and natural science. We will also begin to train the next generation of potential volunteers and introduce them to volunteer opportunities. ​Audubon Young Birder Clubs around the world have brought young people interested in the outdoors together, creating friendships
and inspiring science in young minds. We think that a Young Birder Club ​would be able to support, inspire, and connect young birders in the Denver area and possibly even the entire state of Colorado

Mission Statement

Denver Audubon Young Birder Club connects, supports, inspires, and educates rising young nature enthusiasts to gain friendships and learn about birds and the natural world.


Through building the ​Denver Audubon Young Birder Club ​, our club hopes to accomplish three main objectives: educate, connect, and inspire young birders in the greater Denver area to build a community that is passionate about birding and avian ecology.

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